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Our Mission.

At Operation Not Alone, Inc. we strive to give our service men and women the utmost support and encouragement by sending very unique and heartwarming care packages to our nation's bravest.  All of our packages are put together with tremendous care and love. Every soldier will receive a handmade fleece blanket specific to his or her branch of service in the military, much needed supplies to use during deployment, and a slew of cards and letters from all types of community members. We guarantee that all of our packages are safe, clean and supportive. Our goal is to make sure that no one feels alone during the deployment and that each and every solider comes home to warm and open arms. No soldier will be forgotten and our nation's bravest will feel our continuous gratitude. 

Our Projects.


We begin all of our care packages with some warmth from home. Every soldier will receive a large, warm, fleece blanket specific to their branch of the military. We send out care packages to those fighting for our nation's freedom full of non-perishable food, supplies, notes of encouragement from strangers and veterans, and of course, a blanket. We hold 4 food and supply drives during the year in the city of Oshkosh to send out as many packages as possible. We accept donations of money, supplies and letters all year round. 

Our Events.


Throughout the year we hold four food and supply drives two weeks before Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Veteran's Day/Thanksgiving, and Winter Holidays/New Year. Information will be given closer to the date regarding specific times and places.


We accept continuous donations of money, supplies, food and letters all year round. Please mail any contributions to P.O. Box 3144, Oshkosh, WI 54903. 


Meet the Founders.


Susan Fochs- Operation Not Alone is so much more to me than just an organization. This is my life. This was inspired by my father who is 100% disabled Marine Veteran. All my life I have watched him over come obstacles and succeed through his limitations. Now, it is my time to give back. From personal experience, I understand the importance of having our soldiers come home to warm and open arms. We will not stop until all of our troops are home safe and sound. 

Emily Orr- Military service has been a proud, longstanding tradition among my family and friends. I know how important it is to give back to the service men and women who sacrifice so much for us. Operation Not Alone is a way to support and show gratitude for those who are currently serving in Active or Reserve duty or who are veterans of our Armed Forces.

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